"Groundbreaking Collaboration: Dr. Ramakanth Bhargav Panchangam and Dr. Sabaretnam Mayilvaganan Authored Graves' Disease Monograph with 17 other Co-Editors."

Graves’ disease (GD) is one of the most common endocrine disorder. It is our explicit pleasure and implicit satisfaction to present this Monograph on Graves’ disease with specific emphasis on the role of surgical management. We felt the need of a focused, crisp and specific knowledge on the management of Graves’ disease. This task is a composed synchrony between the need of work in literature, our knowledge and accumulated practical experience on this issue.
The two vital aspects of this monograph are practical knowledge of authors presented in this issue and summarized, structured presentation of subtle aspects of GD management. To elaborate them (vide supra), we authors have accumulated vast practical knowledge with our own many publications in literature in past. Another crucial aspect of this work is structured presentation of our knowledge, based mostly on our own practical clinical and operative experience, complemented by the literature, wherever needed. There are several elaborate textbooks on GD, which comprehensively addressed the science, pathophysiology, molecular biology, medical management and natural history. But, we opine that there is dearth of literature on the optimal role and effectiveness of surgical thyroidectomy in its management.
This apparent lacuna prompted us to evolve a focused monograph. But, contrary to most of the focused monographs, we attempted an easy format for ready reference on the intricacies of surgical management for GD based mostly on personal practical clinical experience rather than elaborate theoretical, academic stuff. We tried our level best to strike a perfect balance between practical utility and quantity of information required to enhance the interest of readers. Finally, another striking feature of this monograph is every subsection of this monograph is a mini-monograph itself on that sub-aspect. We consciously attempted to ensure that, the reader can start anywhere and join the mainstream of this monograph, apart from reading entire manuscript in a single go.
To make this reader friendly and assimilable, we presented the various practical aspects such as history, etiopathogenesis, treatment, associated exophthalmos in a chronological order with bullet points, rather than elaborate large paragraphs. In addition, rare aspects such as association of GD with scoliosis and Down’s syndrome are included in terminal stages of this monograph.
Further, keeping in view the crux of this monograph (i.e., role of surgical management of GD), we tried our level best to stay in sync with it by emphasizing only the practical aspects, rather than cliché elaborate theory and molecular knowledge.
Dr. Ramakanth Bhargav P
Dr. Sabaretnam M

Ramakanth Bhargav Panchangam
Sabaretnam Mayilvaganan
Smitha Rao
Sarah Idrees
Poongkodi karunakaran
Ramya Valiveru
VNSSVAMS Mahalakshmi D.
Sapna Bothra
Rajeev Khashliwal
Gayathri KB
Ravishankar Manogaran
Manish Ora
Spandana Jagannath
Rinelle Mascarenhas
Rudrashish Haldar
Anshika Dengre
Rijuta Aphale
Rajini K. Shah
Aromal Chekavar Suresh.
https://www.amazon.in/dp/819558800X?ref=myi_title_dp - Amazon Link.